The “Wish” Ambulance

The “Wish” Ambulance is for those suffering from a terminal illness, or individuals who are not independently mobile. This special ambulance, combined with a special visit, is really an opportunity to fulfill the patient’s “last wish.” How does it work? Every “Wish Ambulance” trip is coordinated in advance, very carefully with the patient’s attending physician, […]

Intensive Care Ambulance

An intensive care ambulance has equipment found in a hospital ER, most importantly a heart monitor, EKG machine, medicines and stabilizers. A paramedic accompanies the intensive care ambulance as well as a driver/medic. NATAN” Mobile Unit – An intensive care mobile unit is a field hospital capable of providing advanced and invasive treatment under sterile conditions, […]

Armored Ambulance

Armored Ambulance – Throughout the area we experience quite a few shooting incidents. Medical teams can not come in and treat a shooting incident while shooting continues. Therefore, an armored ambulance is needed, which allows medical crews to reach casualties even in areas where there is danger. Our crews can run in and rescue the […]

Basic Ambulance

Basic Ambulance – an ordinary ambulance contains the medical equipment for an emergency medical response, such as basic lifesaving equipment. There is great importance in the deployment of ambulances so there can be a quick evacuation to the hospital.  Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley are on the periphery of the major Israeli cities […]

ATV Off-Road Vehicle

RZR ATV vehicle is used for providing medical assistance in the desert / forested area, etc. and for evacuating the sick and injured quickly from such areas. This vehicle is efficient in maneuvering in conditions that are difficult to access such as forests, deserts, rocky areas and hills. In the territories of Judea, Samaria and […]


בימבולנס - Bimbulance

The Bimbulance is a tiny electric vehicle equipped with advanced medical equipment. Due to its small size, its ability to maneuver in traffic and urban congestion is increased, and it passes easily in narrow alleys and thus significantly shortens the arrival time of our medical teams, which can be critical for the patient / injured. […]

Medical Motorcycle

אופנולנס - Medical Motorcycle

The medial motorcycle is equipped with advanced resuscitation equipment and is mounted by a paramedic. In an emergency every minute is critical and separates life and death. Therefore, our goal is to shorten the response time and reach the patient as quickly as possible.

Mobile Simulation Intensive Care

A simulation mobile for training medical teams in cooperation with the IDF, Judea and Samaria, ssf and rescue without borders. Simulation mobile – contains advanced dolls for training medical teams. Combined with operational documentation of helmet cameras, skimmer and shift photography mounted on the mobile for the purpose of drawing lessons at the end of […]