War Update from Judea

December 6–16 “Life During the Hamas War – The Untold Story” The War in Gaza has affected all of us. Natalie, a mother of five living in Susya, Judea, is speaking on behalf of the First Response Medics in Yehuda and Shomron. Two of her sons are currently serving in the IDF. Koby, 28, a […]
Watching the documentary “Upheaval” about Menachem Begin with Natalie Sopinsky

Join the Ma’ale Adumim Cultural Club to watch the inspiring documentary “Upheaval” about Menachem Begin. Date and time: Thursday February 22. Social half-hour at 7.30 pm with coffee and cake, movie at 8.00 pm sharp (movie runs just over an hour). Place: The apartment of Arnold and Judy Slyper, 118 Mitzpe Nevo, apartment 6 (minus […]
IDF Unity Shabbos

Ilan and Hodaya’s schedule courage, inspiration, and miracles! Schedule: WEDNESDAY FEB 1410:45 Ma’ayanot12:45 Na’aleh7:30 IDF Chesed Center THURSDAY FEB 159 AM Torah Academy for GirlsAfternoon – IDF Chesed Center FRIDAY FEB 162 PM IDF Chesed Center Meet and Greet8 PM Oneg Shabbat – Steinberg Home after Seuda SHABBOS FEB 1711 AM Kiddush in Shul KaeSeuda […]
Young Professional’s Evening for Orthodox Singles

With IDF RESERVIST Ilan Levy and his wife Hodaya When?Motzei Shabbat, February 17, 8:30 PM Where?Bais Tefilah Woodmere, 409 Edward Ave, Woodmere For Who?Ages: 28-39. Tickets at $45. To RSVP and Pay:bit.ly/02-17Event Proceeds benefit Israel and the IDF Chesed Center. For Questions Contact Shulie: 347-452-5144