Rescue without boarders around the world

Rescue Without Borders has set itself the goal of saving lives everywhere and being the first to respond to international natural disasters. Currently, the organization’s teams are ready at all times to go anywhere they are needed

Rescue Without Borders is spread across the globe thanks to the organization’s extensive work in providing medical assistance to disaster-stricken areas.

The organization has taken under its wing a global training project aimed at training locals and positioning professional and equipped teams to be ready at all times for any disaster.

The international teams also respond to ongoing events in their local areas.

The organization operates on international fronts, all thanks to your support of the organization and its work.

The organization’s life-saving activities are a fundamental value in its establishment and continue to drive its growth.

Volunteers Around the World

In 2004, the organization underwent a significant shift in its unique operation.
A powerful earthquake, the second largest and strongest in modern times and one of the deadliest, struck the shores of the Indian Ocean.
The magnitude of the devastating earthquake claimed the lives of over 280,000 people and injured thousands.
A team from Save Without Borders, sent to the area at the request of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu zt"l, was among the first to arrive in Sri Lanka and contributed to the treatment of more than 2,500 injured individuals. The team fulfilled its mission, saved many lives, and made a tremendous contribution to the disaster on an international scale.
Following the incident and after numerous appeals from various rescue organizations around the world, the organization established international reserves of medical teams equipped with advanced medical equipment in order to be deployed worldwide and quickly reach emergency hotspots characterized by natural disasters.

Establishment and Functioning of the Teams

Our teams number 14 in 14 countries around the world with the nature of natural disasters and are ready at any time to respond as quickly as possible The establishment of teams worldwide is usually carried out by the locals.
Representatives of Save Without Borders make initial contact with local medical personnel who organize a group to train people in a first aid course.
The local volunteers receive professional training and a dedicated life-saving course. After completing the training, the teams are equipped with advanced medical equipment and communication systems adapted to their area of residence.
The volunteers provide initial medical response routinely in traffic accidents and all emergency events occurring in their area of residence.
In the event of a natural disaster, these teams will be the first to deploy to provide initial medical assistance from Save Without Borders.
Thanks to the organization's activities in recent years at the four corners of the globe, the organization was awarded last year the President's Award for the light that the organization brings on behalf of the people and the State of Israel to places and populations in need.

Light to the Nations

Save Without Borders has committed to its flag to help and lend a hand to every person regardless of religion and race, to be a light to the nations and to enhance the image of Israel in the world. In times when Israel is dealing with terrorist elements and with anti-Semitic organizations issuing anti-Israel declarations towards the State of Israel and influencing public discourse.
Save Without Borders operates to change the discourse and influence public discourse around the world by providing daily assistance to emergency events.
As a result of Save Without Borders' major relief operations, Israel received great recognition in the world.
Many times, the organization's teams found themselves standing alone in assisting natural disasters when other teams from around the world arrived days late.

Gallery of Activities Around the World