Coronavirus Updates From Israel: April 29
Dear Friends, Yom ha’Zicharon, one of the saddest days of the year, ended last night. It was a day filled with sorrow and memories of the lost lives due to war and terror, and here it is felt by everyone, no matter how long you’ve lived in Israel. The siren went off at 8pm the […]
Coronavirus Updates From Israel: April 23
Dear Friends, This past week in Israel we have begun our slow exit out of isolation, in many respects, and life is beginning to go back to normal. We have seen a sharp decrease in the rate of coronavirus infection and we are successfully “flattening the curve.” This is due to many things, including early […]
Coronavirus Updates From Israel: April 16
Dear Friends, Pesach (Passover) has come to an end, this normally gives parents a thrill knowing that soon the children will return to school and life will get “back to normal.” But, not this year. No “getting back to normal” for anyone. This Pesach holiday was not so different from the weeks leading up to […]
Coronavirus Updates From Israel: April 8
Dear Friends, I know these days are difficult. Many of you wanted to be in Israel at this time… it is the best time of year to be here. Now, instead, many of you will be alone tomorrow night for seder. But worst of all, we all know at least one person struck with the […]
Coronavirus Updates from Israel: April 5
Dear Friends, Another week of this corona-nightmare…. waking up each morning and instead of wondering “is this real?” we now ask “how much longer!?” I’m going to start sharing weekly updates with you, first personal, and then below, the latest news and data from Israel. Just last week, two of my son’s friends got married. […]